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Curious about this coaching thing?
Here are a few FAQs:
So what is life coaching?
I think of life coaching as being similar to sports coaching. I remember watching the Olympics a while back and thinking about how each of those top-level athletes had coaches. Why? Because in order to be the best they could be, they needed someone to guide their behavior, to help them identify areas of weakness and to design and implement strategies to improve in those areas. They needed someone who could provide an atmosphere of encouragement and accountability--not to call them OUT on their mistakes, but to call them UP to their potential!

Why would I want it?
Simply put, because you desire change. You either have an ideal you want to achieve or a pain you want to relieve. Maybe you are engaged and want to be proactive about creating a great marriage. Or you're a new parent who wants to instill certain values into your children. Or perhaps you’ve been married a while and need to reset some patterns that aren't working very well. The quality of our relationships affects every area of our lives; it is worth our investment to learn new ways of interacting with those around us. While healthy relationships are my passion, I have coached people through various other goals. Feel free to contact me for a free consultation!

What is a "consultation" and what happens after I have one?
A consultation is a free phone conversation between you and me in which we briefly discuss your situation and the goals you are looking to achieve. I also answer any initial questions you may have about me or the process. At the end of the call, we make a mutual decision about whether to move forward together or not. If I believe that coaching is not the best means to the end you desire, or if your situation is outside the scope of my abilities, I will attempt to direct you to a more appropriate resource. In short, you are not committed until you decide to be.
What do I have to do?
Like any self-improvement program, your effort--and therefore, your results--are up to you. That's the good news/bad news. In order to get the most out of your investment, I recommend being fully engaged in the process. That means setting distractions aside during our time together, being honest, challenging yourself to see or do things differently, and following through on agreed-upon actions. I close my sessions with an action plan for steps you can take between sessions to accelerate your progress. Know that the achievement of your goals is also my goal, so I will be encouraging and praying for you along the way.
What is a typical session like?
Coaching sessions are generally held over the phone. This makes it very convenient for both of us, as we can meet regardless of time zones or traffic. Sessions last approximately 50 minutes, during which time we discuss your situation as well as your feelings and goals surrounding it. Toward the end of our time together, we will discuss some action steps you can take before our next meeting in order to help accelerate your progress. Following through on this "homework" (don't worry, you won't be graded!) also solidifies new patterns of thinking and doing, thereby making your progress more permanent.

Do you only work with Christians?
Of course not! Although it is important that you understand that my guiding principles in life come from the Word of God, it isn't necessary that you have that same perspective. The more important qualifier is that we have a mutual respect for one another to the extent that we can work cooperatively together without either of us feeling judgment from the other.
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